1. Choose Foods Rich in Vitamins to Support Your Genetics
Choose products from free-range animals. Grain-fed animals have a different proportion of beneficial Omega 3 fatty acids changes towards pro-inflammatory Omega 6 fatty acids. Avoid meat from animals exposed to antibiotics and hormones.
Choose organic products grown using natural farming methods.
Eat local, seasonal produce. Vegetables lose a huge amount of minerals and nutrients during transportation, as well as being processed.
2. Chew Raw Veggies and Cooked Meats
Eat foods that need to be chewed thoroughly with every meal. It is especially important to give solid foods to children to form the correct bite. As soon as the child can munch the raw vegetables and fruits without a risk of choking, introduce raw carrots, apples, celery, and other fruits and veggies to the child’s diet.
3. Stop Mouth Breathing and Work on Breathing ONLY through Your Nose
From the first days of life, babies breathe through the nose. This helps to widen the baby’s upper jaw and palate to accommodate the upper teeth properly. If you are an adult or a child who snores or mouth breathes at night – you may need to evaluate yourself for sleep apnea and address it with myofunctional therapy and other things if needed. Mouth taping is great too to promote nose breathing. It can be done during the day when you work or play, or during the night when you sleep.
4. Vitamins for Your Dental and Oral Health are SUPER important!
Vitamin D is a prohormone that is synthesized by the body with the help of sunlight. It is important to monitor the level of vitamin D in the blood. Due to using sunscreens, we are deficient in Vitamin D even during summer!
Water-soluble nutrients (carotenoids) can be converted to vitamin A by less than half of people. Fat-soluble vitamin A – retinol – is found only in animal products. The best source is good quality cod liver oil, as well as liver products. Unfortunately, we do not like eating liver anymore, so taking extra Vitamin A may be needed.
One of the main tasks of this mineral in the body is the maintenance of bones and teeth. And in order for calcium to be where it is needed, fat-soluble vitamins play a key role. If you suspect a calcium deficiency (for example, with osteoporosis), the first step is to check the status of vitamin D and K2.
Magnesium is needed in more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. If you drink a lot of coffee – coffee depletes your body of magnesium. You need to get magnesium from food, but often almost regular supplementation is required. I literally cannot live without magnesium – my sleep is much better, and leg cramps are gone completely!
In form of MK-7, it is produced by bacteria during fermentation, so fermented foods are a good source. Another form of Vitamin K2 can be found in eggs, butter, and animal livers are good sources of vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 is produced only if the animal consumes vitamin K1, which is found in grass and leaves. Choose products from grass-fed animals.
Zinc is needed to maintain the structure of proteins; it also regulates gene expression. It also plays a key role in the absorption of vitamin A.
5. Heal Your Gut and Address Microbiome
To maintain the balance of the microbiome, it is important to consume PRObiotics and PREbiotics.
The best natural probiotics are fermented foods (sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles, pickled apples and berries, kvass, kefir and yogurt, miso paste, and tempeh). Oral probiotics can help prevent cavities and gum health.
Prebiotics are fiber. It is not digested, but fermented by microflora and supports its’ vital activity.
- Soluble fiber slows down the digestion process, which promotes the absorption of minerals and reduces appetite, stabilizes blood sugar levels, and lowers cholesterol. Food sources are asparagus, artichokes, bananas, garlic, onions, legumes, apples, and citrus fruits.
- Insoluble fiber is preserved in its original form when passing through the gastrointestinal tract. By filling the intestines, it promotes the passage of food and the removal of toxins. Food sources are whole grains, grain bran, nuts and seeds, and vegetable and fruit peels.