We all see a lot of pink ribbons in October and the topic of Breast cancer prevention is dear to my heart, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and is a breast cancer survivor.
There are so many questions about how to prevent breast cancer or any type of cancer, for example:
1. To get a mammogram or not to get a mammogram? Watch the video for answers.
2. If yes, then when to start? According to the guidelines from different societies there are many different recommendations.
3. To get oneself tested for BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations? This is a personal choice for each person, but then it opens up more questions. What to do if the result is positive?
4. What to eat and what not to eat? Apparently, it is not just one size fits all when figuring out the risks of getting breast cancer while relying on the genetic testing. It is important to know one’s genetics and utilize supportive measures to promote optimal detoxification of estrogens, provide optimal methylation based on the genetic SNPs one has.
There are several great resources that provide support to women who look for answers to above-mentioned questions. Here are my favorite resources:
1. Breast Cancer Prevention Partners – Tips for Prevention
3. Steps to Lower Your Breast Cancer Risk
4. Environmental Working Group Clean Cosmetic Database
Yes, pink ribbons are important to raise moral support for women who are fighting with breast cancer, for survivors and family of breast cancer and unfortunately for those who died of breast cancer. Some corporations use the pink ribbon to gain more profits while selling the very chemicals (in foods, cosmetics, cleaning products) that cause breast cancer and other endocrine dysfunctions. As a result, if I do choose to support pink ribbon branded products, I choose to read the ingredients on the back of the product and make an educated decision before buying.